Friday, March 6, 2009


Contains large amounts of tannins and mucilages which are believed to help dissolve mucus deposits in tissue, glands and nerve channels. The inner bark, rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamins (A,B,C,K), nourishes and soothes organs, tissues and mucus membranes and is helpful to the lungs. It also helps neutralize acids from indigestion.


Used in traditional folk herbalism to cool the body, create sweating and detoxification through the skin; as a diuretic useful in maintaining a healthy kidney and urinary functions. It is rich in vitamins and trace minerals (ascorbic acid, mineral oxides, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sikicon and rutin. It is thought to nourish the glandular system.


Used traditionally to help reduce mucus, maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, stimulate a healthy immune response, for weak digestion, as a diuretic for water retention and to sweat out toxins through the skin. It has vitamin A and selenium to help reduce free radicals and its chromium content helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

About anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat pain related to many types of conditions. These drugs are also used to reduce fever. They come in the following forms:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Over-the-counter and prescription medications that include Over-the-counter and prescription medications that include salicylates such as aspirin, traditional NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen, and COX-2 inhibitors.
These drugs prevent inflammation by slowing the body’s production of prostaglandins (chemical messengers). Prostaglandins are instrumental in causing swelling, pain, stiffness, redness and warmth. NSAIDs also inhibit the production of pain-producing substances in the body. Lower doses of NSAIDs help relieve pain, whereas higher doses are commonly used to reduce inflammation.

Corticosteroids. Steroidal medications available by prescription or in some forms without a prescription. They include drugs such as prednisone and hydrocortisone. These drugs can be used to treat conditions ranging from mild skin rashes to more serious inflammatory conditions, such as chronic arthritis.
Corticosteroids work by mimicking a hormone called cortisol, which the body naturally produces to protect against illness. Scientists are unsure how corticosteroids are able to reduce inflammation so effectively, but studies have shown that the medications lower the amount of chemicals released by some inflammatory cells. This leads to decreased swelling in inflamed areas.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are delivered in a regular tablet, delayed-release tablet, extended-release tablet, buffered tablet, liquid, topical cream, paste, injection, inhalation, suppository, enema or foam. Patients should always take anti-inflammatory drugs exactly as directed by a physician.

Pain relief does not increase if the dosage is increased beyond the level prescribed by a physician or indicated on the drug label. Taking a higher dose than the recommended amount will only increase the potential for dangerous side effects.

Treatment and prevention of migraines

There are a number of treatment options available for migraines. Although migraines cannot be cured, treatments aim to control the symptoms and prevent future episodes. Patients may benefit from immediately treating their migraine as soon as symptoms appear. This may lessen the severity of the headache.

Simple treatment methods for migraines include:

Resting in a quiet and darkened room. During a migraine, patients are often sensitive to noise and light. Silence and darkness may lessen the severity of migraine symptoms.

Drinking fluids. This prevents dehydration, especially after vomiting.

Placing a cool cloth on the head.
Prescription and over–the–counter medications may also be used to prevent migraines, stop the progression of a migraine and relieve symptoms.

Prescription and over–the–counter headache medications may also be used to prevent migraines, stop the progression of a migraine and relieve symptoms:

Beta blockers. These drugs decrease the workload of the heart and lower blood pressure.

Calcium channel blockers. These drugs increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart, lower blood pressure and reduce the workload of the heart.

Other antihypertensives. These drugs are commonly used to treat high blood pressure.

Anticonvulsants. These drugs are commonly used to control seizures.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This class of antidepressants is most commonly used to treat depression. Antidepressants, however, may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents. As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that people being treated with these drugs be closely monitored for unusual changes in behavior.

Antihistamines. These drugs are commonly used to treat allergic reactions.
To be effective, these medications must be taken every day. They are frequently recommended for patients who experience three or more migraines a month. Although they may be recommended for some patients, they are less helpful and tolerable in patients with only occasional migraines.

Medications that can stop the progression of migraines or reduce their severity include:

Ergot alkaloids
Patients who experience migraines with aura (temporary visual changes that precede a migraine) may benefit from taking these medications when warning symptoms occur. However, many of these medications are not safe for everyone. Drugs in this group may cause the blood vessels to constrict. As a result, they should not be taken by patients with heart disease or those at risk for a heart attack, unless recommended by a physician.

A variety of drugs may be recommended to reduce pain, nausea or emotional stress related to migraines. Medications given to treat these symptoms include:

Anti-emetics to relieve nausea

Sedatives to reduce anxiety

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce pain and inflammation

Acetaminophen to relieve pain and reduce fever

Narcotic analgesics (opioids) to relieve pain or inflammation
Medications used to treat migraines have variable effectiveness in different people. In many cases, a number of medications may be tried before an effective drug, or combination of drugs, is found.

As an alternative to drug therapy, patients may choose to take feverfew, MIG-99 (an extract of feverfew) or butterbur. These are herbs commonly used to treat migraines. Although their effectiveness has not been proven, some studies support their use. Riboflavin (vitamin B–2) and magnesium sulfate may also be helpful. Patients should receive their physician’s approval before taking herbs, supplements or other complementary and alternative treatments for their migraines.

Additional treatment methods include:

Biofeedback. This method uses electronic monitoring devices to teach people how to consciously regulate their bodily functions through relaxation or imagery. Migraine suffers may use this technique to stop an attack or reduce its symptoms.

Self-hypnosis exercises. This method requires a patient to self-induce a state of hypnosis (an altered state of consciousness). It may be used to control muscle contraction and the swelling of blood vessels in patients with migraines.

Cognitive behavioral therapy. This technique, in which patients identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, may benefit people with chronic pain.

Cryotherapy. Application of cold, such as compresses or an ice pack, can numb nerves and increase the patient’s pain threshold.

Electrical therapy. Techniques such as occipital neurostimulation (ONS), in which electrodes are placed near the base of the skull in minimally invasive surgery, have been used to ease severe migraines.

Acupuncture or acupressure. Some people have found these Eastern treatments helpful.
People respond differently to treatment. Some may require little or no treatment and others may require the use of several medications or techniques, or in some cases, occasional hospitalization. Patients are encouraged to contact their physician when treatments that were previously effective are no longer helpful.

In addition to taking medications, patients may reduce the frequency of migraines by avoiding factors that trigger the headaches. Patients may identify these triggers by keeping a headache diary. To compile this journal, patients should record certain information after each migraine occurs, including:

When the migraine occurred
How severe the migraine was
Additional symptoms experienced with the migraine
What was eaten before the migraine occurred
Sleep patterns
Menstrual cycles

Other common prevention methods include:

Avoiding cigarette smoking
Avoiding caffeine and alcohol
Avoiding or reducing medications containing estrogen
Exercising regularly
Maintaining a regular diet and sleep pattern
Using relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

About ear pain

Ear pain (otalgia) can be a common problem for adults and children alike. However, children are much more prone to developing ear pain than adults because of the anatomy of their developing ear structure.

Ear pain is not a disease, but rather a symptom that can result from numerous causes. It is important to identify the underlying cause of ear pain, rather than simply taking antibiotics or analgesics to alleviate the pain.

The ear can be anatomically divided into three main areas – the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. They all work together to provide proper hearing and balance. The outer ear captures sound waves, which are converted to vibrations (energy) and then are passed to the inner ear. The inner ear, in turn, converts the energy into nerve impulses, which then travel to the brain.

The middle ear has a small canal that opens up in the back of the nose. This tiny passageway is known as the eustachian tube. Its purpose is to equalize pressure between the middle ear and the surrounding environment. At times, bacterial or viral infections develop by spreading through this eustachian tube into the middle ear. When this occurs, the infected area may fill with pus or fluid and lead to a buildup of pressure, which causes pain and sometimes a temporary loss of hearing.

Ear pain can have a direct cause or an indirect cause (pain from another region of the body is referred to the ear). For instance, direct causes of ear pain may include acute otitis externa (swimmer’s ear), which occurs when water becomes trapped inside the external portion of the ear canal resulting in inflammation, or injury to the ear (e.g., from use of cotton swabs). Indirect causes of ear pain may include dental problems, tonsillitis or sinusitis.

It is not uncommon to have associated symptoms, such as vertigo, disequilibrium or dizziness, with ear pain in adults.

leg pain

Leg pain is common, ranging from muscle strains in professional athletes to degenerative joint diseases affecting elders. The legs can be prone to pain as they, in combination with the hips, knees, ankles and feet, move the entire body’s weight and provide support.

Exercise and excessive or improperly performed activity may cause strain in the legs. In addition, many conditions in the trunk of the body may produce symptoms that radiate into the limbs.

Some types of leg pain are caused by obvious injuries such as falls, sports injuries or other trauma. Leg cramps, one of the more common leg pain complaints, can result after exercise or can be due to an imbalance in the body’s chemicals. Circulatory problems, such as blocked arteries and blood clots, are another cause of leg pain.

Nerve compression or inflammation resulting in radiculopathy that begins in the low back frequently can cause leg pain. This is because the spinal nerve roots travel down the leg and can cause sciatica. Spinal stenosis, which may cause compression of spinal nerves in the spine, can also manifest itself as pain in the legs. Leg pain may also result from neuropathies such as from diabetes or chronic alcoholism.

A physical examination by a physician is the first step in identifying the source of leg pain. An individual’s physician may perform several tests to determine the potential cause of the pain. These tests may include x-rays, other imaging studies of the low back, nerve conduction studies, laboratory blood work, Doppler ultrasound to test blood flow, or a special blood pressure measurement in the legs.

Relief of leg pain involves treating the cause. Additional management may involve lifestyle modification to improve circulatory or nerve health, medications or physical therapy. Some conditions, such as sciatica, may not be helped with these techniques and may require advanced treatments such as spinal injections or surgery.

Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise and quitting smoking, may prevent the onset of certain painful leg problems.

Aquafresh White Trays

were a complete disappointment to say the least. The trays were noted as being very annoying and difficult to keep in place for the lengthy 45 minutes that is recommended for a single treatment. After the 5th day results were only 2 shades better than to begin with not to mention the test subject's gums and teeth were too sensitive to continue the trial. I would not recommend this product to anyone who has sensitive teeth and gums or is looking for drastic whitening results. A big disappointment from a well-known company.

Crest Whitestrips Premium Plus

showed results of 3-4 shades after 2 weeks of use even though it was more expensive than the Vibrant White Pen. Tooth Sensitivity was a BIG problem when it came to the Whitestrips Premium Plus, the test subject reported tooth ache as well as the last 10 minutes of wearing the strips to be “painful”. The strips appeared to be messy to put on, as well as extremely difficult to keep in perfect form around the teeth. The strips only cover the front section of your mouth and therefore do not whiten the molars whatsoever. Staining of the hands when coming in contact with the strips is to be expected. I am not impressed that Crest advertises they can be easily used while in the shower or while driving a vehicle. Slurring of your speech makes it difficult to talk on the phone (also was advertised) and overall it was found to be difficult to multitask in any way, attention is needed to keep the strips in place and from folding up and getting gel all over your mouth.

Teeth Whitening

I was shocked at how quickly I saw results. After 6 hours I nearly freaked out! I was onto something amazing - the whitest teeth ever!
When I happened to put the Celebrity Smile and South Beach Smile products together, I was shocked at the difference in my teeth. They went from stained to sparkling in a matter of hours. I knew I had to share my story.

Top 3 Muscle-Gaining/ Fat-Burning Programs

DON'T Be Fooled By The So-Called "Exercise/Weight-Loss" Gurus! FAT-BURNING is NOT Rocket Science and MUSCLE-BUILDING Does NOT Require You To Spend Countless Hours Lifting Heavy Weights! Don't Be Misled By "Big Pharma" Claims Of Pills And Potions That Will "Reduce Unsightly Belly-Fat!"
Your Best Plan For Burning Fat And Gaining Muscle Has To Be Easy To: Understand, Implement, And Incorporate Into Your Lifestyle.

Do You Want To Lose 10 Pounds In 72 Hours? Have You Let Those Abs Go A Little Too Long? Need More Energy, Lost The Old Get Up And Go Feeling? Hey: We've All Been There, Done That! How Can We Honestly Say These Top 3 Muscle-Gaining/ Fat-Burning Programs Are The Best Of The Web? Because Each Meets Our Criteria Of Being Customizable And Tailor-Made For You: Man/Woman, Young/Old, Ex-Athlete/Couch Potato, Road-Warrior Salesperson/Desk-Jockey...Even A Stay-At-Home Mom!

The Pursuit Of Happiness Is A Noble Endeavor: Life Should Be Fun! These Muscle-Gaining and Fat-Burning Programs Put Fun In Your Physical Fitness, And You'll Really Enjoy Your New Body, Lifestyle, And Attitude.