Friday, March 6, 2009
Contains large amounts of tannins and mucilages which are believed to help dissolve mucus deposits in tissue, glands and nerve channels. The inner bark, rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamins (A,B,C,K), nourishes and soothes organs, tissues and mucus membranes and is helpful to the lungs. It also helps neutralize acids from indigestion.
Used in traditional folk herbalism to cool the body, create sweating and detoxification through the skin; as a diuretic useful in maintaining a healthy kidney and urinary functions. It is rich in vitamins and trace minerals (ascorbic acid, mineral oxides, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sikicon and rutin. It is thought to nourish the glandular system.
Used traditionally to help reduce mucus, maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, stimulate a healthy immune response, for weak digestion, as a diuretic for water retention and to sweat out toxins through the skin. It has vitamin A and selenium to help reduce free radicals and its chromium content helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.
About anti-inflammatory drugs
Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat pain related to many types of conditions. These drugs are also used to reduce fever. They come in the following forms:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Over-the-counter and prescription medications that include Over-the-counter and prescription medications that include salicylates such as aspirin, traditional NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen, and COX-2 inhibitors.
These drugs prevent inflammation by slowing the body’s production of prostaglandins (chemical messengers). Prostaglandins are instrumental in causing swelling, pain, stiffness, redness and warmth. NSAIDs also inhibit the production of pain-producing substances in the body. Lower doses of NSAIDs help relieve pain, whereas higher doses are commonly used to reduce inflammation.
Corticosteroids. Steroidal medications available by prescription or in some forms without a prescription. They include drugs such as prednisone and hydrocortisone. These drugs can be used to treat conditions ranging from mild skin rashes to more serious inflammatory conditions, such as chronic arthritis.
Corticosteroids work by mimicking a hormone called cortisol, which the body naturally produces to protect against illness. Scientists are unsure how corticosteroids are able to reduce inflammation so effectively, but studies have shown that the medications lower the amount of chemicals released by some inflammatory cells. This leads to decreased swelling in inflamed areas.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are delivered in a regular tablet, delayed-release tablet, extended-release tablet, buffered tablet, liquid, topical cream, paste, injection, inhalation, suppository, enema or foam. Patients should always take anti-inflammatory drugs exactly as directed by a physician.
Pain relief does not increase if the dosage is increased beyond the level prescribed by a physician or indicated on the drug label. Taking a higher dose than the recommended amount will only increase the potential for dangerous side effects.
Treatment and prevention of migraines
There are a number of treatment options available for migraines. Although migraines cannot be cured, treatments aim to control the symptoms and prevent future episodes. Patients may benefit from immediately treating their migraine as soon as symptoms appear. This may lessen the severity of the headache.
Simple treatment methods for migraines include:
Resting in a quiet and darkened room. During a migraine, patients are often sensitive to noise and light. Silence and darkness may lessen the severity of migraine symptoms.
Drinking fluids. This prevents dehydration, especially after vomiting.
Placing a cool cloth on the head.
Prescription and over–the–counter medications may also be used to prevent migraines, stop the progression of a migraine and relieve symptoms.
Prescription and over–the–counter headache medications may also be used to prevent migraines, stop the progression of a migraine and relieve symptoms:
Beta blockers. These drugs decrease the workload of the heart and lower blood pressure.
Calcium channel blockers. These drugs increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart, lower blood pressure and reduce the workload of the heart.
Other antihypertensives. These drugs are commonly used to treat high blood pressure.
Anticonvulsants. These drugs are commonly used to control seizures.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This class of antidepressants is most commonly used to treat depression. Antidepressants, however, may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents. As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that people being treated with these drugs be closely monitored for unusual changes in behavior.
Antihistamines. These drugs are commonly used to treat allergic reactions.
To be effective, these medications must be taken every day. They are frequently recommended for patients who experience three or more migraines a month. Although they may be recommended for some patients, they are less helpful and tolerable in patients with only occasional migraines.
Medications that can stop the progression of migraines or reduce their severity include:
Ergot alkaloids
Patients who experience migraines with aura (temporary visual changes that precede a migraine) may benefit from taking these medications when warning symptoms occur. However, many of these medications are not safe for everyone. Drugs in this group may cause the blood vessels to constrict. As a result, they should not be taken by patients with heart disease or those at risk for a heart attack, unless recommended by a physician.
A variety of drugs may be recommended to reduce pain, nausea or emotional stress related to migraines. Medications given to treat these symptoms include:
Anti-emetics to relieve nausea
Sedatives to reduce anxiety
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce pain and inflammation
Acetaminophen to relieve pain and reduce fever
Narcotic analgesics (opioids) to relieve pain or inflammation
Medications used to treat migraines have variable effectiveness in different people. In many cases, a number of medications may be tried before an effective drug, or combination of drugs, is found.
As an alternative to drug therapy, patients may choose to take feverfew, MIG-99 (an extract of feverfew) or butterbur. These are herbs commonly used to treat migraines. Although their effectiveness has not been proven, some studies support their use. Riboflavin (vitamin B–2) and magnesium sulfate may also be helpful. Patients should receive their physician’s approval before taking herbs, supplements or other complementary and alternative treatments for their migraines.
Additional treatment methods include:
Biofeedback. This method uses electronic monitoring devices to teach people how to consciously regulate their bodily functions through relaxation or imagery. Migraine suffers may use this technique to stop an attack or reduce its symptoms.
Self-hypnosis exercises. This method requires a patient to self-induce a state of hypnosis (an altered state of consciousness). It may be used to control muscle contraction and the swelling of blood vessels in patients with migraines.
Cognitive behavioral therapy. This technique, in which patients identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, may benefit people with chronic pain.
Cryotherapy. Application of cold, such as compresses or an ice pack, can numb nerves and increase the patient’s pain threshold.
Electrical therapy. Techniques such as occipital neurostimulation (ONS), in which electrodes are placed near the base of the skull in minimally invasive surgery, have been used to ease severe migraines.
Acupuncture or acupressure. Some people have found these Eastern treatments helpful.
People respond differently to treatment. Some may require little or no treatment and others may require the use of several medications or techniques, or in some cases, occasional hospitalization. Patients are encouraged to contact their physician when treatments that were previously effective are no longer helpful.
In addition to taking medications, patients may reduce the frequency of migraines by avoiding factors that trigger the headaches. Patients may identify these triggers by keeping a headache diary. To compile this journal, patients should record certain information after each migraine occurs, including:
When the migraine occurred
How severe the migraine was
Additional symptoms experienced with the migraine
What was eaten before the migraine occurred
Sleep patterns
Menstrual cycles
Other common prevention methods include:
Avoiding cigarette smoking
Avoiding caffeine and alcohol
Avoiding or reducing medications containing estrogen
Exercising regularly
Maintaining a regular diet and sleep pattern
Using relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
About ear pain
Ear pain (otalgia) can be a common problem for adults and children alike. However, children are much more prone to developing ear pain than adults because of the anatomy of their developing ear structure.
Ear pain is not a disease, but rather a symptom that can result from numerous causes. It is important to identify the underlying cause of ear pain, rather than simply taking antibiotics or analgesics to alleviate the pain.
The ear can be anatomically divided into three main areas – the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. They all work together to provide proper hearing and balance. The outer ear captures sound waves, which are converted to vibrations (energy) and then are passed to the inner ear. The inner ear, in turn, converts the energy into nerve impulses, which then travel to the brain.
The middle ear has a small canal that opens up in the back of the nose. This tiny passageway is known as the eustachian tube. Its purpose is to equalize pressure between the middle ear and the surrounding environment. At times, bacterial or viral infections develop by spreading through this eustachian tube into the middle ear. When this occurs, the infected area may fill with pus or fluid and lead to a buildup of pressure, which causes pain and sometimes a temporary loss of hearing.
Ear pain can have a direct cause or an indirect cause (pain from another region of the body is referred to the ear). For instance, direct causes of ear pain may include acute otitis externa (swimmer’s ear), which occurs when water becomes trapped inside the external portion of the ear canal resulting in inflammation, or injury to the ear (e.g., from use of cotton swabs). Indirect causes of ear pain may include dental problems, tonsillitis or sinusitis.
It is not uncommon to have associated symptoms, such as vertigo, disequilibrium or dizziness, with ear pain in adults.
leg pain
Leg pain is common, ranging from muscle strains in professional athletes to degenerative joint diseases affecting elders. The legs can be prone to pain as they, in combination with the hips, knees, ankles and feet, move the entire body’s weight and provide support.
Exercise and excessive or improperly performed activity may cause strain in the legs. In addition, many conditions in the trunk of the body may produce symptoms that radiate into the limbs.
Some types of leg pain are caused by obvious injuries such as falls, sports injuries or other trauma. Leg cramps, one of the more common leg pain complaints, can result after exercise or can be due to an imbalance in the body’s chemicals. Circulatory problems, such as blocked arteries and blood clots, are another cause of leg pain.
Nerve compression or inflammation resulting in radiculopathy that begins in the low back frequently can cause leg pain. This is because the spinal nerve roots travel down the leg and can cause sciatica. Spinal stenosis, which may cause compression of spinal nerves in the spine, can also manifest itself as pain in the legs. Leg pain may also result from neuropathies such as from diabetes or chronic alcoholism.
A physical examination by a physician is the first step in identifying the source of leg pain. An individual’s physician may perform several tests to determine the potential cause of the pain. These tests may include x-rays, other imaging studies of the low back, nerve conduction studies, laboratory blood work, Doppler ultrasound to test blood flow, or a special blood pressure measurement in the legs.
Relief of leg pain involves treating the cause. Additional management may involve lifestyle modification to improve circulatory or nerve health, medications or physical therapy. Some conditions, such as sciatica, may not be helped with these techniques and may require advanced treatments such as spinal injections or surgery.
Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise and quitting smoking, may prevent the onset of certain painful leg problems.
Exercise and excessive or improperly performed activity may cause strain in the legs. In addition, many conditions in the trunk of the body may produce symptoms that radiate into the limbs.
Some types of leg pain are caused by obvious injuries such as falls, sports injuries or other trauma. Leg cramps, one of the more common leg pain complaints, can result after exercise or can be due to an imbalance in the body’s chemicals. Circulatory problems, such as blocked arteries and blood clots, are another cause of leg pain.
Nerve compression or inflammation resulting in radiculopathy that begins in the low back frequently can cause leg pain. This is because the spinal nerve roots travel down the leg and can cause sciatica. Spinal stenosis, which may cause compression of spinal nerves in the spine, can also manifest itself as pain in the legs. Leg pain may also result from neuropathies such as from diabetes or chronic alcoholism.
A physical examination by a physician is the first step in identifying the source of leg pain. An individual’s physician may perform several tests to determine the potential cause of the pain. These tests may include x-rays, other imaging studies of the low back, nerve conduction studies, laboratory blood work, Doppler ultrasound to test blood flow, or a special blood pressure measurement in the legs.
Relief of leg pain involves treating the cause. Additional management may involve lifestyle modification to improve circulatory or nerve health, medications or physical therapy. Some conditions, such as sciatica, may not be helped with these techniques and may require advanced treatments such as spinal injections or surgery.
Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise and quitting smoking, may prevent the onset of certain painful leg problems.
Aquafresh White Trays
were a complete disappointment to say the least. The trays were noted as being very annoying and difficult to keep in place for the lengthy 45 minutes that is recommended for a single treatment. After the 5th day results were only 2 shades better than to begin with not to mention the test subject's gums and teeth were too sensitive to continue the trial. I would not recommend this product to anyone who has sensitive teeth and gums or is looking for drastic whitening results. A big disappointment from a well-known company.
Crest Whitestrips Premium Plus
showed results of 3-4 shades after 2 weeks of use even though it was more expensive than the Vibrant White Pen. Tooth Sensitivity was a BIG problem when it came to the Whitestrips Premium Plus, the test subject reported tooth ache as well as the last 10 minutes of wearing the strips to be “painful”. The strips appeared to be messy to put on, as well as extremely difficult to keep in perfect form around the teeth. The strips only cover the front section of your mouth and therefore do not whiten the molars whatsoever. Staining of the hands when coming in contact with the strips is to be expected. I am not impressed that Crest advertises they can be easily used while in the shower or while driving a vehicle. Slurring of your speech makes it difficult to talk on the phone (also was advertised) and overall it was found to be difficult to multitask in any way, attention is needed to keep the strips in place and from folding up and getting gel all over your mouth.
Teeth Whitening
I was shocked at how quickly I saw results. After 6 hours I nearly freaked out! I was onto something amazing - the whitest teeth ever!
When I happened to put the Celebrity Smile and South Beach Smile products together, I was shocked at the difference in my teeth. They went from stained to sparkling in a matter of hours. I knew I had to share my story.
Top 3 Muscle-Gaining/ Fat-Burning Programs
DON'T Be Fooled By The So-Called "Exercise/Weight-Loss" Gurus! FAT-BURNING is NOT Rocket Science and MUSCLE-BUILDING Does NOT Require You To Spend Countless Hours Lifting Heavy Weights! Don't Be Misled By "Big Pharma" Claims Of Pills And Potions That Will "Reduce Unsightly Belly-Fat!"
Your Best Plan For Burning Fat And Gaining Muscle Has To Be Easy To: Understand, Implement, And Incorporate Into Your Lifestyle.
Do You Want To Lose 10 Pounds In 72 Hours? Have You Let Those Abs Go A Little Too Long? Need More Energy, Lost The Old Get Up And Go Feeling? Hey: We've All Been There, Done That! How Can We Honestly Say These Top 3 Muscle-Gaining/ Fat-Burning Programs Are The Best Of The Web? Because Each Meets Our Criteria Of Being Customizable And Tailor-Made For You: Man/Woman, Young/Old, Ex-Athlete/Couch Potato, Road-Warrior Salesperson/Desk-Jockey...Even A Stay-At-Home Mom!
The Pursuit Of Happiness Is A Noble Endeavor: Life Should Be Fun! These Muscle-Gaining and Fat-Burning Programs Put Fun In Your Physical Fitness, And You'll Really Enjoy Your New Body, Lifestyle, And Attitude.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Huge Clearance Sale - Now 60% Off
"High Potency - Pharmaceutical Grade"
Thousands of individuals suffering from moderate to severe depression have participated in St Johns Wort studies. A series of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies indicate that ST JOHNS WORT WAS JUST AS EFFECTIVE AS PRESCRIPTION ANTIDEPRESSANTS.
St. Johns Wort (also known as Hypericum Perforatum) is the MOST EXTENSIVELY RESEARCHED HERB IN HISTORY! St Johns Wort has a 2,400 YEAR HISTORY OF SAFE & EFFECTIVE USAGE in folk, herbal, and ancient medicine.
In addition to being more effective than Prescription Medication, ST JOHNS WORT HAS ABSOLUTELY NO SIDE EFFECTS AND COSTS MUCH LESS. Besides the lower cost and absence of Side Effects, St. Johns Wort is much easier to obtain because it does not require a prescription.
Clinical Studies & Experts Confirm Results
The British Medical Journal stated: "St. John's wort is a promising treatment for depression . St. Johns Wort extracts were SIGNIFICANTLY SUPERIOR TO PLACEBO AND SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE AS STANDARD ANTIDEPRESSANTS. The herb offers a significant advantage in terms of relative safety and tolerability, which should improve patient compliance."
Almost all Prescription Anti-Depressants have some type of Side Effects, however, ST. JOHNS WORT IS COMPLETELY ABSENT OF ANY SIDE EFFECTS! With so many benefits and no side effects, it's no wonder why more than fifty percent of Germans treat depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders with St. Johns Wort. It's estimated that well over twenty million people in the World regularly take this "All-Natural" Herb for depression.
Phenomenal Success Rate!
The medical studies show that 50% - 80% OF DEPRESSED PATIENTS EXPERIENCED A SIGNIFICANT DECREASE IN THE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION AND A CORRESPONDING INCREASE IN WELL-BEING. Hundreds of Clinical Studies have confirmed that St. Johns Wort provides the following benefits:
1. It's Available Without a Prescription
2. It's Not Addictive (Many Prescription Meds Are Addictive)
3. There are No Side Effects (Prescription Meds Often Have Many Side Effects)
4. The Cost is Much Less Than Prescription Medication
5. Up To 80% Success Rate For Treatment Of Depression
High Potency - 450mg Capsules
St. Johns Wort opens entirely new Avenues of Treatment for the eighteen million people in the United States currently suffering from depression. With the High Success Rate of Treatment, Absence of Side Effects, Low Cost, and Availability, ST JOHNS WORT SHOULD BE THE FIRST LINE OF TREATMENT FOR ALL TYPES OF DEPRESSION.
TO ENSURE THAT YOU RECEIVE THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS, we only carry the High Potency 450mg capsules. Many companies carry the cheaper 300mg capsules, but Clinical Studies have confirmed that 450mg produces significantly better results.
Per Capsule: 450mg - Pure St. Johns Wort Extract (0.3% Hypericin)
Pharmaceutical Quality at Below Wholesale!
Due to our large International Distribution Network, we get St. Johns Wort in large volume directly from the manufacturer. This allows us to obtain the HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST PRICES! We pass the savings on to our customers, therefore allowing you to purchase Pharmaceutical Grade St. John's Wort at below wholesale prices!
Results are Guaranteed - Or Your Money Back!
St. Johns Wort is GUARANTEED TO REDUCE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION AND IMPROVE THE WAY YOU FEEL - OR YOUR MONEY BACK! Due to our Huge Clearance Sale, St. Johns Wort is now on sale for the lowest price ever. Why wait to start feeling your absolute best? ORDER IMMEDIATELY!
The Ultimate Cure For Depression
Huge Clearance Sale - Now 60% Off
"High Potency - Pharmaceutical Grade"
Thousands of individuals suffering from moderate to severe depression have participated in St Johns Wort studies. A series of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies indicate that ST JOHNS WORT WAS JUST AS EFFECTIVE AS PRESCRIPTION ANTIDEPRESSANTS.
St. Johns Wort (also known as Hypericum Perforatum) is the MOST EXTENSIVELY RESEARCHED HERB IN HISTORY! St Johns Wort has a 2,400 YEAR HISTORY OF SAFE & EFFECTIVE USAGE in folk, herbal, and ancient medicine.
In addition to being more effective than Prescription Medication, ST JOHNS WORT HAS ABSOLUTELY NO SIDE EFFECTS AND COSTS MUCH LESS. Besides the lower cost and absence of Side Effects, St. Johns Wort is much easier to obtain because it does not require a prescription.
Clinical Studies & Experts Confirm Results
The British Medical Journal stated: "St. John's wort is a promising treatment for depression . St. Johns Wort extracts were SIGNIFICANTLY SUPERIOR TO PLACEBO AND SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE AS STANDARD ANTIDEPRESSANTS. The herb offers a significant advantage in terms of relative safety and tolerability, which should improve patient compliance."
Almost all Prescription Anti-Depressants have some type of Side Effects, however, ST. JOHNS WORT IS COMPLETELY ABSENT OF ANY SIDE EFFECTS! With so many benefits and no side effects, it's no wonder why more than fifty percent of Germans treat depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders with St. Johns Wort. It's estimated that well over twenty million people in the World regularly take this "All-Natural" Herb for depression.
Phenomenal Success Rate!
The medical studies show that 50% - 80% OF DEPRESSED PATIENTS EXPERIENCED A SIGNIFICANT DECREASE IN THE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION AND A CORRESPONDING INCREASE IN WELL-BEING. Hundreds of Clinical Studies have confirmed that St. Johns Wort provides the following benefits:
1. It's Available Without a Prescription
2. It's Not Addictive (Many Prescription Meds Are Addictive)
3. There are No Side Effects (Prescription Meds Often Have Many Side Effects)
4. The Cost is Much Less Than Prescription Medication
5. Up To 80% Success Rate For Treatment Of Depression
High Potency - 450mg Capsules
St. Johns Wort opens entirely new Avenues of Treatment for the eighteen million people in the United States currently suffering from depression. With the High Success Rate of Treatment, Absence of Side Effects, Low Cost, and Availability, ST JOHNS WORT SHOULD BE THE FIRST LINE OF TREATMENT FOR ALL TYPES OF DEPRESSION.
TO ENSURE THAT YOU RECEIVE THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS, we only carry the High Potency 450mg capsules. Many companies carry the cheaper 300mg capsules, but Clinical Studies have confirmed that 450mg produces significantly better results.
Per Capsule: 450mg - Pure St. Johns Wort Extract (0.3% Hypericin)
Pharmaceutical Quality at Below Wholesale!
Due to our large International Distribution Network, we get St. Johns Wort in large volume directly from the manufacturer. This allows us to obtain the HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST PRICES! We pass the savings on to our customers, therefore allowing you to purchase Pharmaceutical Grade St. John's Wort at below wholesale prices!
Results are Guaranteed - Or Your Money Back!
St. Johns Wort is GUARANTEED TO REDUCE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION AND IMPROVE THE WAY YOU FEEL - OR YOUR MONEY BACK! Due to our Huge Clearance Sale, St. Johns Wort is now on sale for the lowest price ever. Why wait to start feeling your absolute best? ORDER IMMEDIATELY!
The Ultimate Cure For Depression
GLUTAMINE PEPTIDEStronger Immune System
L-Glutamine is the primary fuel that powers the entire immune system, and low levels of L-Glutamine can lead to a weak immune system. L-Glutamine supplementation increases glutathione levels, leading to a stronger immune system.
L-Glutamine levels fall significantly after training with weights, so anyone that works out should be taking L-Glutamine immediately after working out. Due to the depleted Glutamine levels after training, Athletes that train hard on a daily basis are more prone to sickness if they don't supplement with Glutamine.
Increases Muscular Size & Strength
L-Glutamine is the most essential amino acid in your body, and it has numerous health benefits. Thousands of experts agree: L-Glutamine is one of the most beneficial Health Supplements currently in existence! L-Glutamine strengthens your immune system, increases HGH production, increases muscular growth & recovery, and improves protein synthesis.
Although L-Glutamine provides a wide array of health benefits, most Athletes take L-Glutamine for the Weight Training benefits. Our muscles grow from increased Protein Synthesis (the rate at which our body is able to absorb and digest proteins) and from increased Nitrogen Retention (the length of time our body holds the protein in our muscles). L-Glutamine is able to simultaneously improve Nitrogen Retention and increase Protein Synthesis, therefore putting your body in an optimal state for improved Muscular Growth.
Increase Your Natural HGH Levels
One of the most remarkable properties of L-Glutamine is it's ability to increase the body's Natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels. Clinical studies have shown that L-Glutamine elevates your natural growth hormone levels by over 430%. Numerous studies have revealed the unparalleled benefits of Human Growth Hormone (HGH):
GLUTAMINE PEPTIDEStronger Immune System
L-Glutamine is the primary fuel that powers the entire immune system, and low levels of L-Glutamine can lead to a weak immune system. L-Glutamine supplementation increases glutathione levels, leading to a stronger immune system.
L-Glutamine levels fall significantly after training with weights, so anyone that works out should be taking L-Glutamine immediately after working out. Due to the depleted Glutamine levels after training, Athletes that train hard on a daily basis are more prone to sickness if they don't supplement with Glutamine.
Increases Muscular Size & Strength
L-Glutamine is the most essential amino acid in your body, and it has numerous health benefits. Thousands of experts agree: L-Glutamine is one of the most beneficial Health Supplements currently in existence! L-Glutamine strengthens your immune system, increases HGH production, increases muscular growth & recovery, and improves protein synthesis.
Although L-Glutamine provides a wide array of health benefits, most Athletes take L-Glutamine for the Weight Training benefits. Our muscles grow from increased Protein Synthesis (the rate at which our body is able to absorb and digest proteins) and from increased Nitrogen Retention (the length of time our body holds the protein in our muscles). L-Glutamine is able to simultaneously improve Nitrogen Retention and increase Protein Synthesis, therefore putting your body in an optimal state for improved Muscular Growth.
Increase Your Natural HGH Levels
One of the most remarkable properties of L-Glutamine is it's ability to increase the body's Natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels. Clinical studies have shown that L-Glutamine elevates your natural growth hormone levels by over 430%. Numerous studies have revealed the unparalleled benefits of Human Growth Hormone (HGH):
GLUTAMINE PEPTIDEStronger Immune System
L-Glutamine is the primary fuel that powers the entire immune system, and low levels of L-Glutamine can lead to a weak immune system. L-Glutamine supplementation increases glutathione levels, leading to a stronger immune system.
L-Glutamine levels fall significantly after training with weights, so anyone that works out should be taking L-Glutamine immediately after working out. Due to the depleted Glutamine levels after training, Athletes that train hard on a daily basis are more prone to sickness if they don't supplement with Glutamine.
Increases Muscular Size & Strength
L-Glutamine is the most essential amino acid in your body, and it has numerous health benefits. Thousands of experts agree: L-Glutamine is one of the most beneficial Health Supplements currently in existence! L-Glutamine strengthens your immune system, increases HGH production, increases muscular growth & recovery, and improves protein synthesis.
Although L-Glutamine provides a wide array of health benefits, most Athletes take L-Glutamine for the Weight Training benefits. Our muscles grow from increased Protein Synthesis (the rate at which our body is able to absorb and digest proteins) and from increased Nitrogen Retention (the length of time our body holds the protein in our muscles). L-Glutamine is able to simultaneously improve Nitrogen Retention and increase Protein Synthesis, therefore putting your body in an optimal state for improved Muscular Growth.
Increase Your Natural HGH Levels
One of the most remarkable properties of L-Glutamine is it's ability to increase the body's Natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels. Clinical studies have shown that L-Glutamine elevates your natural growth hormone levels by over 430%. Numerous studies have revealed the unparalleled benefits of Human Growth Hormone (HGH):
Rooh Afza ( drink of the east
Rooh Afza, 'one that enhances the spirit and uplift the soul', for the last 90 years, is a legendary syrup of the East.
Rooh Afza is a premier natural cold drink, proved beyond ambiguity that it is more than a cold drink. It is a blend of pure crystalline sugar, distilled extracts of citrus flowers, aquas of fruits, vegetables and cooling herbal ingredients processed to impart the stimulating taste and unparallel quality.
For the last 90 years, there has been no incredulity about Rooh Afza's functions. It is acknowledged that Rooh Afza:
Combats the enervating summer heat:
Replenishes lost strength;
Satisfies thirst completely;
Keeps you cool in scorching summers; and
Makes you feel fresh and energized.
And it is just a token of acknowledgement that above mentioned benefits made it the top selling cold drink of its kind not only in Pakistan but also amongst the millions living in USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and the Middle East including the Arab world and the U.K.
Rooh Afza activates a sensation of satisfaction and tranquility that cannot be gainsaid. It makes a delicious milk shake and its other intake, whether added to water, dessert like custard, ice cream, Falooda, Feerni, always offers a pleasant, soulful experience.
During rainy seasons, few drops of fresh lemon added to a glass of Rooh Afza not only satisfies the taste but also keeps you fresh despite the moist season. To those who love tangy taste they may add fresh lemon juice in every glass of Rooh Afza they drink.
Rooh Afza is a recognized drink of the east and has surpassed the total consumption of such other syrups in Pakistan and abroad. Rooh Afza enjoys the 90 years of its happy existence and will continue to lead as a natural cold drink in the next century too.
Bottle in 750 ml and 1.5 liters (PET bottle).
Joshina ( Reliable treatment for Cough, Cold & broonchitis )
Joshina contains the extracts of seven renowned ingredients prescribed by physicians since ancient times. It is a ready and reliable treatment for cough, cold and bronchitis. (It is a "ready to be used" form of Joshanda).
The onset of cold generally indicated by a tickling sensation in the throat, which is due to the irritation of the mucous membrane caused by pathogenic organisms that have found access and favourable conditions for growth. The infection, if not checked initially, may spread further, producing symptoms usually associated with cold and catarrh.
One strip of Joshina be dissolved in a cup of hot water, it is ready to relieve cough and cold (if sweetened with 2 or 3 crushed Sualin tablets, it enhances its effects).
25 strips of single dose pack in a box.
Each 6 gm dose sachet contains:
Althaea officinalis 45.70 mg
Cordia latifolia 114.30 mg
Glycyrrhiza glabra 114.30 mg
Malva sylvestris 60.40 mg
Onosma bracteatum 30.10 mg
Viola odorata 38.40 mg
Zizyphus vulgaris 22.80 mg
Excipients q.s.
Naunehal Herbal Gripe Water
An effective homely remedy for infants and children with digestive disorders, teething problems and a prophylactic against these common maladies.
For digestive disorders and teething troubles, it is palatable way to fight against gripping, flatulence, convulsions, diarrhoea and indigestion, so common among infants and teething children.
One teaspoonful thrice a day or as directed by the physician.
Bottle of 150 ml.
Each 10 ml contains concentrated Distillate of:
Amomum subulatum 0.004 ml
And Aqua distt. ad. 10.000 ml
Mentha arvensis 0.004 ml
Oleum Anethol 0.005 ml
Peucedanum graveolens 0.004 ml
Pimpinella anisum 0.004 ml
Sodii bicarbonas 0.080 gm
Sweetening agents q.s.
Isphagol - Husk ( Useful in chronic dysentry, Chronic Constipation & Piles )
Pure and clean, well preserved in laboratories Ispaghol (Husk) is a mild laxative and demulcent and soothing for the gastric and intestinal mucosa and hence effective in gastric irritation and ulceration. Very useful in chronic bacillary dysentery, chronic constipation and piles. Due to its inherent anaesthetic properties, it relieves gastric or peptic ulcer pain and chronic diarrhea.
A natural herbal treatment for gastric irritation and ulceration, chronic dysentery, chronic constipation and piles.
One or two teaspoonfuls should be swallowed with little water.
Box of 25 gms.
Each dose contains:
Liquid glucose 0.1 gm
Plantago ispaghol (Husk) 1.0 gm
Sodium benzoate . 0.01 gm
Suduri ( For cough & conjestion of lungs )
Cough depressant, bronchodilator and expectorant. A specific non-sedative remedy for cough and congestion of lungs. It is made from the extracts of known herbal decongestants ingredients like Adhatoda vasica, Ocimum basilicum, Ephedra vulgaris and Hyssopus officinalis.
It is efficacious in cases of whooping cough, asthma, chronic and acute bronchitis cold and catarrh. The drug helps relieving bronchial spasm and brings respiratory functions at normal. Suduri produce expectorant and is indicated for chronic bronchitis elderly and for fevers complicated with cough and sore throat.
Adults: Two tablespoons full in morning and in evening. In severe cases one more dose at bedtime can be taken.
Children: ¼ or ½ teaspoon or as directed by the physician.
Bottle of 100 ml.
Per 100 ml contains:
Adhatoda vasika 0.532 gm
Ephedra vulgaris 0.5 gm
Hyssopus officinalis 2.000 gm
Ocimum basilicum 1.000 gm
Sisymbrium irio zinn 2.000 gm
Zizyphus vulgaris 2.000 gm
Joshanda ( A herbal remedy for cough, cold and flu )
It consists of herbs, such as Viola odorata (Gulebanafsha), Onosma bracteatum (Gaozaban), Zizyphus sativa (Unnab) and Glycyrrhiza glabra (Aslassoos), Cordia latifolia (Sapistan) and Althaea officinalis (Khatmi) which have been recognized as the most efficacious herbal cure for cold,
bronchitis and in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.
It is an effective herbal remedy for flu, cough and cold. An excellent expectorant. Relieves chest congestion, stuffiness of nose and sore throat.
Boil well with a cupful of water the contents of the pack, strain and take it while hot, sweetened to taste. To be taken twice a day, before breakfast and at bedtime.
Packing of 32 gm cellophane bag.
Each 100 gm contains:
Althaea officinalis 3 gm
Cordia latifolia 9 Nos
Glycyrrhiza glabra 5 gm
Malva sylvestris 3 gm
Onosma bracteatum 5 gm
Viola Odorata 5 gm
Zizyphus sativa 5 Nos
It consists of herbs, such as Viola odorata (Gulebanafsha), Onosma bracteatum (Gaozaban), Zizyphus sativa (Unnab) and Glycyrrhiza glabra (Aslassoos), Cordia latifolia (Sapistan) and Althaea officinalis (Khatmi) which have been recognized as the most efficacious herbal cure for cold,
bronchitis and in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.
It is an effective herbal remedy for flu, cough and cold. An excellent expectorant. Relieves chest congestion, stuffiness of nose and sore throat.
Boil well with a cupful of water the contents of the pack, strain and take it while hot, sweetened to taste. To be taken twice a day, before breakfast and at bedtime.
Packing of 32 gm cellophane bag.
Each 100 gm contains:
Althaea officinalis 3 gm
Cordia latifolia 9 Nos
Glycyrrhiza glabra 5 gm
Malva sylvestris 3 gm
Onosma bracteatum 5 gm
Viola Odorata 5 gm
Zizyphus sativa 5 Nos
Safi ( an effective blood purifying herbal formula )
A well-known effective herbal oral treatment for many skin diseases. It spurs the system on to start elimination of the accumulated morbid matter through the intestines, kidneys and skin, and corrects their functions.
It relieves constipation, prevents and cures boils, pimples, skin eruption and epistaxis.
Two teaspoonfuls in the evening, plain or with a cup of milk. For children, doses vary according to age 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon.
Bottle of 175 ml and 400 ml liquid.
Each 10 ml dose of Safi contains:
Bauhinia variegata 23 mg
Canscora decussata 23 mg
Cassia angustifolia 323 mg
Chrozophora plicata 23 mg
Curcuma caesia 23 mg
Cuscuta reflexa 23 mg
Dalbergia sissoo 46 mg
Fumaria parviflora 46 mg
Ipomoea turpethum 23 mg
Lavandula stoechas 23 mg
Melia azadirachta 30 mg
Nymphaea lotus 61 mg
Ocimum canum 23 mg
Pterocarpus santalinus 23 mg
Rosa damascena 23 mg
Smilax china 77 mg
Sphaeranthus indicus 77 mg
Swertia chirata 30 mg
Tephrosia purpurea 30 mg
Terminalia chebula 23 mg
Tinospora cordifolia 23 mg
Syrup .q.s.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
B&C Skin Tight Skin Care bump treatment - 4oz bottle
The Ultimate Skin Care Product For Razor Bumps, Ingrown Hairs, & Razor Burn
Formulated With Tea Tree Oil & Willow Bark Extract
For Men & Women
Net Wt 4 fl oz
Shaving , waxing, and electrolysis cause razor bumps, razor scars, burns, and aggravate ingornw hair conditions. Skin Tight was formlated specifically to help reduce and control these problems, while also enhancing the overall condition of the skin.
Directins: Dampen affected area with cotton ball and let air dry three times a day until bumps vanish. Then apply once a day to prevent re-occurence.
Usage: For ingrown hairs or razor bumps apply morning and night until skin clears. For best results, continue usage after each hair removal process.
Caution: For external use only.
Flammable: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if allergic to Aspirin
Ingredients: SDA Alcohol 40-B, Di Water, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alfernifolia), Willow Bark Extract, Dl Panthenol, Allantoin.
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Health Nutrition Awards: Life Extension Fish Oil Supplements
The International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) is an international program concerned with the quality of omega 3 products, as it relates to the international standards for purity and concentration established by the World Health Organization and the Council for Responsible Nutrition.
With growing contamination concerns for the consumer, and recent clinical data suggesting the negative effects of mercury and PCBs from edible marine sources, the IFOS program continues to grow in popularity and prove its value as a reliable source for third-party validation. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the many clinically established health benefits of omega 3, but are equally concerned with contamination issues. The IFOS program delivers a suitable venue for the fish oil supplements industry to showcase credible product sources.
Because of Life Extension's dedication to providing only premium-quality ingredients and delivering supplements that meet the highest standards and criteria, we had our Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA fish oil scientifically analyzed and rated by IFOS. Life Extension has been awarded an IFOS 5-Star rating for purity, quality, and concentration consistently since 2005—the highest possible rating for fish oil.
IFOS fish oils are ultra high-grade fish oils that have been tested to meet very strict standards of purity and quality. Their most popular reports are the Five Star Ratings Reports. This category is used to test ultra-refined, super-concentrated fish oils with a minimum 60 percent combined EPA/DHA concentration.
A fish oil is given '5 Stars' if it meets criteria in 5 specific areas:
Star 1 - Product Passes All CRN/WHO Testing Categories
Star 2 - Product Tests Show Minimum 60% EPA plus DHA combined concentration
Star 3 - Oxidation Level Less Than 75% of CRN Standard
Star 4 - PCB Levels Less Than 50% of CRN Standard
Star 5 - Dioxin and Furan Levels Less Than 50% of WHO Standard
The 5 Star Rating is as follows:
5 Star - Exceptional Product Batch
4 Star - Very Good Batch
3 Star - Good Batch
2 Star - Fair Batch
1 Star - Poor Batch
9 ways to live healthy
1. Move your Body
Find new ways every day to move your body. Use the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Chase your kids, Walk your dog, play ball with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool; it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute cardiovascular class or body pump or kickboxing. Move more and feel better!
2. Cut the Fat
Don't eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat versions. Most are available in lower fat versions.
3. Reduce Stress
Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. Exercise is a great stress reducer; walk on the beach or in a park. Soak in a hot tub; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting irritated. Avoid difficult people when possible. . Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds…. then float on them.
4. Drink plenty of water:
Drink plenty of water daily. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. Drink 2-4 glasses of water in morning before lunch. It all makes your stomach good in work, skin glow and you would not have any problem of kidneys.
5. Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
6. Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
7. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.
8. Floss Your Teeth
Harvard Medical School studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your Real Age as much as 6.4 years younger. These studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't?
9. Maintain a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthily and having a cheerful outlook on life. Yes, keep on smiling and laughing!
Weight Loss
Here are some excess weight loss tips that will help you shed your extra pounds:
Change your diet.
Shift to fiber foods instead of starchy fattening ones. Carbohydrates and sweets are the main causes of weight gain. Stop eating fatty and carbohydrates-loaded food. By increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in your meals, you are ridding your body of toxins and enabling your digestive system to absorb nutrients better without allowing fat build-ups. The increased intake of fruits and vegetables is one of the great excess weight loss tips that have been proven to be very effective.
Increase water intake.
Most of the extra pounds on your body are stored water or what is commonly called as water weight. By depriving your body of fluid, your body tends to absorb and store water in all different places, mostly on your belly and thighs. Once you start hydrating your body more, you will flush the old stored water and your body will stop storing them. A noticeable weight loss will be seen after a month.
Exercise regularly.
The benefits of exercise have been stressed in many excess weight loss tips articles. Regular exercise helps your body increase the burning rate of calorie or fats accumulated through time. A thirty-minute to a one-hour exercise everyday is highly recommended. The more intensified exercise you take, the better your body will burn more calories.These three excess weight loss tips are guaranteed to help you quickly shed those extra pounds. The results of weight loss can be immediately noticed after 30 days of keeping to these tips. Eat healthier, drink more water, and exercise regularly to lose those extra pounds.
Tips for Healthy Heart
To reduce risk of heart attack, eat healthy and low fat diet. Develop a pattern of eating that will stomach without damaging your heart, but sometimes its hard to figure out which food is good for us.
Try to cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol. If you have a family history of high cholesterol or you have a diagnosed high blood cholesterol level, you should take a more vigorous approach to your diet.
Food with High Fats & Cholesterol: Saturated fat increases your blood cholesterol level more than anything else in your diet; Most of the saturated fat you eat probably comes from animal products.
Dairy products made from whole milk -- including butter, cheese, milk, cream, and ice cream -- and the fat in meat and poultry skin contain very high amounts of saturated fat.
There are also some vegetables that are high in saturated fats, including coconut oil, cocoa butter, palm kernel oil, and palm oil.
What to Eat: Instead of meats like sausage, bacon, and processed high-fat cold cuts, eat fish, poultry, and leaner cuts of meat, but be sure to remove the fat and skin before eating. It's ok to eat up to six ounces of these daily. You should also cut down on organ meats, such as liver, kidney, and brains.Replace butter with margarine (the softer the less saturated fat) or vegetable oil. Drink skim or one percent milk instead of whole milk and eat nonfat or low-fat cheese and yogurt. Substituting egg whites, which are cholesterol and fat free, for whole eggs or egg yolks will also help improve your heart health.
The way you prepare your food also affects its nutritional value. It's better to boil, bake, roast, or poach your foods than to fry them. Vegetable oils are great to use instead of butter for sautéing vegetables.
You should try to eat six to 11 servings daily of breads, three to five daily servings of vegetables; two to four daily fruits servings; cereals, rice, and pasta; two to three servings daily of milk, yogurt, and cheese; and two to three servings daily of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans and peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds.Your diet should focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains cereals, breads, rice, and pasta. With a little effort, you can start cooking up healthy and delicious meals in no time
Herbs for Skin Care
There are a wide variety of skin problems many people face on a day to day basis. The most common of course, tends to be oily skin and acne. But there are others as well, such as dry skin, itching and flaky skin, rashes, wrinkles, and even more serious problems such as psoriasis and eczema.
Due to the wide variety of skin problems and conditions people experience, there can be any number of reasons for the problems. Most modern doctors tend to treat the symptoms themselves though, instead of digging for deeper problems to resolve. Herbalists and natural remedy specialists agree however, that most skin related health problems are related to toxins within the body. Specifically the liver or colon is not functioning as well as they should be, and they need to be cleansed.
And since most skin problems are cleared up with liver or colon cleansing approaches, many skin remedies include herbs which work specifically to help the liver cleanse, tone and heal.
Dandelion for instance, is an excellent herb for liver health. It will help the liver produce more bile, which draws toxins and pollutants out of your body at a much faster rate. This process works very well for dealing with every day skin problems such as acne.
Eczema is often caused by a food allergy of some kind, and it's seen most often in children. The most common allergies which cause this skin condition are cows milk and wheat or gluten. Simply removing these items from the child's diet is often all that's needed to clear up the eczema problems.
When food allergies aren't the cause though, sometimes bacteria and infections is. In these cases, Garlic is the best herb to use for clearing up those problems. Garlic is a powerful anti fungus herb which can kill candida yeast related infections among many others. Garlic will also expel most parasites from your body, and those tend to cause skin related problems too.
For wrinkles and dry skin problems though, one of the most natural approaches you can take is to simply drink more water. Our bodies need two to three quarts of water every day, and more so if we're sick or live in dry climates. Since our skin always seems to get water last, after all the major internal organs have gotten their share, there's often not enough left over to hydrate the skin properly. This not only causes dryness, itching and flaking, but it can cause premature wrinkles too.
Applying Vitamins A, C and E to your facial skin directly will also help rehydrate it, fight free radical damage, and reduce or prevent wrinkles as well.
With summer coming very soon, many people will experience mild, moderate and severe sunburns from being exposed too long without proper skin protection. An excellent natural remedy for sunburns though, is to simply apply old fashioned black tea to the burned areas. Soak some teabags in cool water for a few moments to activate the tannin, then lay the bags on the sunburned skin. This will pull the heat and pain from the burn, as well as help it to heal into a nice tan without peeling
Benefits of Exercise
The risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and many other health problems is lessened with regular physical activity. Some conditions, such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes, have a direct link to a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise also brings more immediate benefits: It improves resistance to infections, joint flexibility, emotional well-being, energy and stress levels, and digestion. With continued, regular exercise, you will find that you will move easier, feel stronger, have better posture, and experience less chronic pain (if any at all).
Botox Alternatives... Wrinkle Creams... Alpha-Hydroxy Serums... Wrinkle Defense Systems...
Which products provide noticeable and lasting results?
Which products are top performers at rejuvenating your skin?
How effective is the product you use?
The topical wrinkle reducing product market is exploding. It generated over $1.5 Billion in sales in 2007, with that number expected to double by 2010. You do not have to look far to hear about these types of products. There is huge interest in this market and advertisements can be found everywhere, from TV, to radio, newspapers and magazines. While the majority of these products are marketed to female consumers, surprisingly, our research indicates that men account for approximately 25% of this market. It seems that women are no longer the only gender searching for the fountain of youth.
Treatments and products once only provided by dermatologists are now accessible to consumers. There are over 200 products currently marketed to remedy the signs of aging, from Botox alternatives to alpha-hydroxy serums and wrinkle relaxers. These products range in cost from under $10 to over $300 per ounce. How does the consumer determine which products are effective? How does the consumer determine which product is right for them?
In this article we offer our readers a comprehensive list of anti-wrinkle products based on our evaluations. We reviewed the over 200 products currently available for the treatment of wrinkles. Our assessment included review of the following product attributes: long term effectiveness for wrinkle reduction; instant reduction of fine lines and wrinkles; antioxidant protective properties delaying skin cell aging; skin renewal and collagen stimulating properties; and skin smoothing and firming properties. Based on the outcome of our evaluation of these product attributes we ranked each product accordingly.
Our list is presented in descending order based upon the cumulative score of product attributes. You may not see the product you use, or are interested in using, on this list as it did not rank in the top 25. Our list is dynamic in that we are constantly reexamining and updating our rankings due to the availability of new products.
During our research, the skin care specialists we consulted provided useful tips that contribute to achieving and maintaining younger looking skin, including the following:
Be certain to consistently apply the product(s) you choose in accordance with its directions for use;
Pay special attention to your neck and hands while applying the product(s) you choose, as these areas reflect your age;
Always use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15;
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to stay well hydrated;
Avoid excessive intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as they may contribute to dehydration and exacerbate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles; and
Be sure to get adequate rest every day.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
dont smoke
Wanting to have a baby is the most natural thing in the world. Many little girls spend hours playing house and cuddling their dolls, and pretty much every teenager quietly (or not so quietly) schemes about how their parenting skills are going to outpace those of their parents… by far.
But in these girls’ imaginations, are cigarettes present? Do we visualize cuddling our perfect little bundle with a cigarette hanging from our mouth? Do we think that our hacking cough is going to get in the way of telling our children how much we love them? Probably not, and perhaps one reason is that people who smoke actually have a much harder time than nonsmokers in achieving a pregnancy.Men who smoke are more likely to have problems with their sperm than nonsmokers. For women, the problems add up. Nicotine is toxic to the ovary and, in at least one study, researchers actually found the chemical in the fluid in the follicle where the egg develops. The idea of a little egg bathing in nicotine makes me shudder.
The impact of smoking on fertility is so strong that it basically adds a decade to your fertility. In other words, a 20-year-old smoker is as fertile as a 30-year-old nonsmoker. The older you get, the harder it is to get pregnant, even with high-tech infertility treatment. So adding a decade to your fertility span is a huge problem if you want to have a baby. Many infertility centers in the United States won’t even treat women who smoke, since their chances of being successful are so much lower than in nonsmokers.
So no matter your age, if you would like to become a parent someday, probably the best thing you can do for yourself is to either never smoke or, if you are already a smoker, to stop as soon as you are able. I am not saying that smoking is true birth control and that smokers can’t get pregnant (I personally am evidence of that, as my mom gave up smoking only after she learned that I was on the way), but smoking sure does make it a tougher and longer process.
But in these girls’ imaginations, are cigarettes present? Do we visualize cuddling our perfect little bundle with a cigarette hanging from our mouth? Do we think that our hacking cough is going to get in the way of telling our children how much we love them? Probably not, and perhaps one reason is that people who smoke actually have a much harder time than nonsmokers in achieving a pregnancy.Men who smoke are more likely to have problems with their sperm than nonsmokers. For women, the problems add up. Nicotine is toxic to the ovary and, in at least one study, researchers actually found the chemical in the fluid in the follicle where the egg develops. The idea of a little egg bathing in nicotine makes me shudder.
The impact of smoking on fertility is so strong that it basically adds a decade to your fertility. In other words, a 20-year-old smoker is as fertile as a 30-year-old nonsmoker. The older you get, the harder it is to get pregnant, even with high-tech infertility treatment. So adding a decade to your fertility span is a huge problem if you want to have a baby. Many infertility centers in the United States won’t even treat women who smoke, since their chances of being successful are so much lower than in nonsmokers.
So no matter your age, if you would like to become a parent someday, probably the best thing you can do for yourself is to either never smoke or, if you are already a smoker, to stop as soon as you are able. I am not saying that smoking is true birth control and that smokers can’t get pregnant (I personally am evidence of that, as my mom gave up smoking only after she learned that I was on the way), but smoking sure does make it a tougher and longer process.
Fever 02
(archaically known as ague) is a frequent medical sign that describes an increase in internal body temperature to levels above normal. Fever is most accurately characterized as a temporary elevation in the body's thermoregulatory set-point, usually by about 1–2 °C.
Keywords: fever, illness, abnormal condition, diseases, blue, free medicine powerpoint templates
Keywords: fever, illness, abnormal condition, diseases, blue, free medicine powerpoint templates
Cold 04
Description: Cold is a mild virus infection affecting the nasal mucous membrane and causing a mild fever; usually followed by bacterial infection, which causes nasal catarrh.
Keywords: coryza, infection, nasal infection, cold,common cold, viral infectious disease, medicine, orange, free medicine powerpoint templates
Keywords: coryza, infection, nasal infection, cold,common cold, viral infectious disease, medicine, orange, free medicine powerpoint templates
How to use your ear drops
Ear drops are a sterile solution or suspension of medicine. They are administered into the ear to produce a local effect directly on the outer ear canal.How to use your ear drops
If your ear drops are a suspension, the label will remind you to shake the bottle before using the drops.
Wash your hands.
Sit in front of a mirror so you can see what you are doing.
Take the lid off the bottle.
Tip your head to one side or lie on your side so that the affected ear is facing upwards.
Gently pull the ear lobe away from your neck.
Hold the bottle or dropper over the ear opening and gently squeeze the correct number of drops into your ear.
Keep your head tipped or stay lying on your side for a few minutes to let the drops spread into the ear canal.
Wipe away any excess liquid with a clean tissue.
Repeat this procedure for the other ear if your doctor or pharmacist has advised you to do this.
Replace the lid on the bottle.
Take care not to touch the tip of the bottle or dropper with your fingers. If the dropper is separate don't put it down on any surface. Other useful advice
You may find it easier for someone else to put your ear drops in for you.
Try not to get water in your ear while you are using your ear drops. Take care when showering and washing your hair. You shouldn't go swimming until your course of treatment is completed.
Do not share ear drops with other people.
EXPIRY: never use your ear drops after the expiry date as they may be contaminated with dirt or bacteria. Ear drops should be thrown away four weeks after opening. Follow the printed instructions given with your drops. Write the date you open your ear drops on the bottle so you know when to throw them away.
Certain ear drops must not be used if your eardrum is, or may be, perforated. Inform your doctor or pharmacist if this is the case.
Always use the drops according to the printed label or as instructed by your doctor or pharmacist.
Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you accidentally use more than you were supposed to.
Once you have finished the treatment course, carefully dispose of any leftover drops, or return them to your pharmacist for disposal.
Ear drops should only be used in the ears and must not to be taken by mouth.
Always keep medicines out of the reach of children.
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